It is my pleasure to announce that Allen Lowrie’s long awaited Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnus Opus Vol. 1, 2 and 3 are now listed and available for pre-order.
These three volumes are extremely special. They will be the next books which Redfern will publish and will be printed and released in July 2013. To provide an overview:
Australia is home to over one third of all carnivorous plants species that are currently known worldwide. This amazing concentration is far greater than any other continent or country, and the Australian species include the largest, most spectacular and unusual representatives of many carnivorous plant groups (particularly sticky-leaved insect-eating plants). Australia also boasts several endemic carnivorous plant genera that occur no where else on earth.
Over the past five decades, world renowned botanist Allen Lowrie has travelled across Australia to observe, study and photograph all carnivorous plant species of the continent. His pioneering efforts yielded the discovery and naming of dozens of new species and hundreds of the first photographs ever taken of nearly sixty carnivorous plant taxa. In 1987, Allen Lowrie published the first of a three-volume treatise documenting all Australian carnivorous plants known at that time. When the last book of the set was released in 1998, the three volumes had become the most highly respected, most popular and certainly the most valuable of all carnivorous plant publications produced since Charles Darwin’s pioneering study on the subject that was printed over a century before. All three of Allen Lowrie’s volumes quickly sold out, and continue to be treasured by book collectors across the world and traded for thousands of dollars.
During the intervening 25 years since the publication of the original works, Allen Lowrie continued to undertake intensive field observations and he discovered many more new Australian carnivorous plants. He has carefully revised, updated and improved his original books and his life’s work is now complete and released as Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnum Opus, Volumes 1, 2 and 3. This incredible benchmark study offers a definitive, unparalleled and up-to-date examination of all carnivorous plants currently recognised from the continent of Australia (8 Byblis species; 1 Aldrovanda; 1 Cephalotus; 3 Polypompholx; 3 Nepenthes; 160 Drosera and 60 Utricularia). Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnum Opus includes twenty three new species, four new hybrids, eleven recombined taxa, two new records for Australia, and eight taxa that have been recalled from synonymy. It also includes a wealth of new information and location data, new observations, unique photographs and new maps that update the original works.
Copies are available for preorder now. 500 signed copies of each volume are available on a first come, first served basis (for both retail and wholesale customers). Signed copies bear unique numbers (from 1 to 500). The earlier the order is placed, the lower the number that will be received. Considering Allen Lowrie’s original books are now valued at thousands of dollars each, I strongly recommend purchasing copies now, to ensure you receive a low signed number, which could be extremely valuable in the future.
ISBN: 978-1-908787-11-8, 978-1-908787-12-5, 978-1-908787-13-2
Stewart McPherson