
New hybrid of Pinguicula – working title Pinguicula ‘Nataly’ (unofficial)

David Svarc (2012)

In July 2009 I made a bilateral cross-pollination of the Mexican Pinguicula species – Pinguicula medusina and P. moranensis (Huixteco, Mexico).

Ripe seeds were harvested from P. moranensis (Huixteco, Mexico), whereas the pollinated P. medusina did not produce seeds (probably failed to flower pollination).

Three years after I have the oportunity to introduce a new hybrid, which I present with the working title Pinguicula ‘Nataly’ – P. moranensis (Huixteco, Mexico) x P. medusina.

Pinguicula 'Nataly'

Pinguicula 'Nataly'. David Svarc, 2012